NOTICE:Reman units must be ordered by phone - Many pumps and motors are in stock but we want the best process for you including freight options, possible lead times and some requirements for having your core first.
Purchase your Remanufactured Case TV370 Hydraulic Drive Motor today! This is the Bonfiglioli version motor with the later serial breaks. Part Number 47923177,84586919 and 87588897. This is also at times referred to as the Final Drive Motor. We also offer pump rebuilds, gear pumps, undercarriage parts, rubber tracks and more for your model.
1 Year Warranty
Be sure to check your gearbox frequently and change the gear oil. We would be glad to assist you in this.
We truly want every core! We depend on your core and it's parts for other orders. We WILL NOT reject core condition harldy ever! We will give you Full core price back almost without exeption. **Please return within 30 days and it must be assembled and no burnt cores.